Brush Strokes & Finger Pokes

These works are a deeply meaningful exploration into finding beauty in disability and advocating for access to insulin. By painting disability, I encourage the viewer to look deeply at the attachments and scars and all that societal norms tell you to turn away from. This art is an invitation to stare without judgement so that you might walk away with a better understanding and appreciation of what Diabetics endure. All works below are acrylic on canvas. Notably, a few of the below pieces were created with Allison Wheeler, a fiber artist and disability advocate, who embroidered pieces after I painted them and, with the help of Mutual Aid Diabetes (MAD), they were raffled off to raise money for diabetics in need. We ended up raising $1,453 with a total of 270 tickets bought...or in other words enough for just over the amount of insulin the average diabetic to use in a month. Alternate Text is here

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