Image Descriptions

Brush Strokes & Finger Pokes

Prick - A light skinned painted hand is opened wide, a thread black outlined hand pinches the ring finger of the painted hand and a red loose tread droplet hangs from the finger.


Endure - Black and white painting with a hand pinching stomach with a dexcom continuous glucose monitor stuck above the pinched skin (the cgm is a light grey oval plastic device on top of white adhesive). An embroidered hand is in light skin tones and shaded by blue tones, it holds an insulin syringe that is injecting into the pinched stomach, a small blue thread droplet hangs loose from the syringe in the skin.


Priceless - Three thread hands slightly offset in green, blue, and red hold a painted insulin vial that is pouring out silver threads. The hands resemble old school 3D, the painted vial is clear with a dark pink cap and a white label that reads “Humalog”, there is a slight rainbow reflected in the glass.


Chosen Sticks - A black and white painting of a feminine torso from the side, she is covering her breasts with her arm, showing a Dexcom continuous glucose monitor on the back of her bicep. On her ribcage there is a tattoo of a honey bee.


Tethered - Two 5x5 inch canvases are attached by a silver thread, on the left is an insulin pump on a blue and white swirled background, on the right is a light skinned body with an insulin pump site with a blue shirt above. The pump site is a clear and light blue circular plastic device on top of white adhesive. The shirt is slightly wrinkled and at an angle above the site. There are also painted scars on the skin.


Finger Pricks - a small painting of a white hand focused on the fingers, there is a small drop of red blood and the background is royal blue.


Brain Fog - a small painting of a pink emoji brain over a cloudy light blue sky


The Cost  - a small painting of an insulin vial with a grey background with red blood dripping down. There is green lettering that reads "$300 per vial"


Hypoglycemia - a small painting of an emoji "face" made of two eyes with lips in between, the face is goofy and zonked looking which represented the feeling of low blood sugar to me. The background is a stormy purple and blue cloudy.


Hyperglycemia - a small painting of a sandy desert, representing the dehydrated feel high blood sugars have.


Pumpsites - a small painting of a pumpsite on white skin, there are many scars dotting around it. The tubing curls and runs off the edge and below the site is the top edge of light blue denim shorts.


CGMs - a small painting of me, a white woman with dirty blond hair and a silver nose ring, I'm wearing a blue tank top and covering my eyes with the crook of my arm so that my continuous glucose monitor is visible.


Diabetes Mellitus - a small painting of a sterile cup of urine, meant to represent one of the symptoms of untreated diabetes, from with the name "Diabetes Mellitus" also comes from, or flow of honey.


Burnout- a small painting of a a match recently blown out so that smoke still trails upward. This is meant to represent diabetes burnout.


Joy - a painting of me kissing my partner on the cheek and wrapping my arm around him. I am a white woman with dirty blond hair, wearing a blue tank top, my cgm is on my arm. He is a white man with brown hair, wearing sunglasses, a blue shirt, and smiling. The background is fuchsia pink. 


Thermal - a painting of a feminine figure's torso wearing a sports and underwear in a thermal color palette, an insulin pump is to the side and the background is white.


Cyborg - a nude black and white painting of a feminine figure from the neck to the thigh. Her bottom is visible with an insulin pump site on it, the tubbing runs off of the painting, on her arm there is a continuous glucose monitor.


Breathless - Obstructive Sleep Apnea Awareness

Breathless (Daylight) - An acrylic painting of a woman with white skin and brunette hair splayed out. She is wearing one gold necklace with a uterus on it and one with a neuron, she has tattoos of black and grey simple flowers on her right shoulder. She has gold and bronze eyeshadow on and her eyes are closed as if asleep. She is wearing a CPAP with a blue strap. In her hair and around her head are flowers (chamomile, poppies, valerian, Passion flower, and lavender). 


Breathless (Black-light) - Now under a black light we can see the florescent paints in this painting. Her tattoos glow lightly while her CPAP fluoresces vibrantly blue. The flowers likewise pop brightly, the yellow of the chamomile, bright red poppies, light pink valerian with small yellow dots, yellow/green in the Passionflower’s petals, and tones of purple lavender. 

Fluorescent Perspectives

Huntington's Chorea - a painting of two white hands contorted in a typical "Huntington's Chorea." There is a blue string strung between their fingers like a cats cradle with many colored beads with a repeated section of all orange beads in the center meant to represent a polyQ repeat. the background is black. Under a black light the string and beads shine bright.


Pyramidal Neurons and Microglia - a painting of black pyramidal neurons with lighter microglia with drippy blue drops. Under a black light the blue microglia shine bright alone. 


Chimera - a painting of sagittal section of a whole mouse brain filled in with small GFP green dots on a black field to replicate an image I took on a confocal microscope in grad school showing the engraftment of human microglia. Under a blacklight the green dots glow bright.


Transplantation National Park - A painting resembling a Tyler Nordgren "Half the Park is After Dark" National Park poster. With blue illuminated mountains and a blue milky way in the dark night sky. In the milky way is the first 200 or so bases on mRNA that encode GFP protein, attached to a blue ribosome, which is then translating the nRNA into a green GFP protein. There is cursive white letters reading "Translation National Park," more subtle the words "Half the Park is After Dark" are in the black sky, with green stars all around. With the black light on the mRNA, green protein, the words "Half the Park is After Dark" and green stars shine bright.


For Hayk - A painting of blue microglia over an Armenian Flag, under a black light the blue microglia shine bright alone.


Diffusion Tractography - A bright painting of human brain diffusion tractography on a black light, the lines are wispy and represent the rate of water diffusion between cells. The colors are a fluorescent greens, blues, reds, and oranges, all flowing into each other and shine bright under a black light. 


Pyramidal Neurons in Red - A bright painting Pyramidal Neurons in Red on a black background. Under a blacklight the neurons glow bright.


Brainbow - A bright painting of the dentate gyrus filled with "brainbow" neurons, colored with a rainbow of colors with each individual cell colored differently.


Digital Art

Changing Minds - Summer - A brain-shaped tree in full summer green, rays of yellow-green illuminate the edges and breaks in the branches. The trunk represents the brainstem and spinal cord which has dark brown bark. The background is a blue-grey color with a slight central lighter gradient.


Changing Minds - Fall - A brain-shaped tree in the midst of changing to fall colors of red and orange, the cerebellum section of the tree has lost the most leaves thus far, revealing the intricate "Arbor Vitae" within. The trunk represents the brainstem and spinal cord which has dark brown bark. The background is a blue-grey color with a slight central lighter gradient.


Changing Minds - Winter - A brain-shaped tree bare of all leaves with a dusting of white snow along every branch. The trunk represents the brainstem and spinal cord which has dark brown bark. At the foot of the trunk there is a mound of more white snow. The background is a blue-grey color with a slight central lighter gradient.


Changing Minds - Spring - A brain-shaped tree full of white and light pink flowers, the cerebellum section of the tree has just begun loosing flowers and pushing forward light green leaves, still showing the "Arbor Vitae" within. The trunk represents the brainstem and spinal cord which has dark brown bark. The background is a blue-grey color with a slight central lighter gradient.


Microglia Propaganda - A 1960's style propaganda poster proclaiming in large white text in the upper lefthand corner, "Microglia are the Neurons of the Brain" There is a masculine and a feminine figure both wearing lab coats outstretching one arm forward with the other more relaxed behind them, their bodies have the same powerful stance, the masculine one slightly forward and offset from the other. In the masculine figure's outstretch hand there is the yellow nucleus of a microglia lined in white, around the microglia there are three oblong rings, resembling that of the 60's style atom illustration. The background is color-block pink and yellow, the figures are aged paper toned and the paper has an aged look. In small black text in the bottom righthand corner, it reads "Ministry of Microglia Propaganda"


Wood Grain Brain - A digital drawing of a brain filled in color block style to resemble the wood grain of an olive tree. The colors are yellow, orange, red, light lime green, light turquoise, light teal, light grey blue, light royal blue, rose pink, and dusty pink. The background is dark grey and signed "MC" in light turquoise


Channel Islands NP Friend Trip - A Vectorized Image of 6 friends (3 women and 3 men) standing on a rocky beach at Channel Islands National Park, The ocean is shimmering grey blue and there are several rocky islands in the background, including one with a sea cave. They are wearing hiking clothing and in the sky over them it says in grey blue "Channel Islands National Park" With the words "Friend Trip 2022" underneath, these words have an offset cyan and red shadow to either side in an anaglyphic style too look like old 3D images, the words are also warped and twisted in a trippy style. The overall color scheme of the image (including the colors of the clothing, are natural light and dark blues and tans.


Climbing Neurons - A stone grey colored brain has a white masculine figure and feminine figure holding onto the brain as though they are rock climbing, the masculine figure has mustard shorts on, dark grey and red climbing shoes and no shirt, his body is outstretched as though he is traversing along the temporal lobe with one leg bent and balancing while the other extends out for a hold. The feminine figure is hanging off of the temporal lope, below the frontal lobe with their hands, one foot hold them in place while the other hangs down, they are wearing a green tank top with brown pants. The letters "UCI" read in blue text above the brain, and below in black cursive the words "Climbing Neurons" with a small yellow lighting blot read.


Defense Poster - Dissertation Defense Announcement:
The color scheme is blues and purples and is meant to resemble a Tyler Nordgren National Park poster with bold lines and block shading. There are mountains with a slight yellow haze of a sunset behind, there are a few silhouettes of Joshua Trees and a tiny silhouette of a woman pointing at the sky with a cat. In the night sky there is a wavy milky way with microglia "stars"

It reads:


“Using Chaimeric Models to Study the Interactions between Human Microglia and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in vivo”
Morgan Coburn
Dissertion Defense November 29th, 2021, 12pm PST

Streamed live on Zoom (Mtg ID: 979 8633 5951)
& in Person in Thrope Conference Center, Gross Hall


Microglia Daze - First in the series Daze 1 and 3 are inverse of each other, as are Daze 2 and 4. Daze 1 is a painterly digital drawing of a mouse hippocampus with a bit of the overlaying cortex and underlaying striatum visible, the layers are blurred and bright lines of royal blue, turquoise blue, jewel toned purple, yellow, pale yellow, pale blue, and orange. When Daze 1 is inverted into Daze 2, the colors become lime green, olive green, royal blue, orange, and sky blue. The "even" Dazes are overlaid with many microglia erased so that the inverted colors show through.


Microglia Earrings - Vector line drawing used to create laser cut acrylic microglia earrings, the microglia GFP green with blue nuclei and are "homeostatic" with many fine processes like that of a brittlestar starfish, the "in vitro" are amorphous and blobby, the "DAM" (Disease Associated Microglia) are ameboid with stubby little processes, they surround a blue spiky amyloid beta plaque or a red Neurofibrillary tangle.


Scientific Illustration

Eyo Lab Logo - A log of a black microglia in a black circle with the words "MicroglEyo Lab" around it, the "Microg" is navy blue and the "Eyo" and "Lab" are orange


Mills et al. 2022 - A scientific figure depicting the skull bone marrow niche, with the brain. There are various cells, lymphatic, and blood vessels drawn and labeled.


Graphical Abstract, Coburn et al., in review - A graphical abstract depicting my dissertation research, on a purple background there is a white mouse surrounded by four circles showing the 4 genotypes and what their Alzheimer's pathology and microglial morphology look like. There is a small mouse pup to indicate transplantation and a list of the experiments conducted.


White Mouse - a White mouse drawing


Transplantation Diagram - a diagram of intracerebroventricular transplantaiton of human iPSC derived HPCs into a mouse pup

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